All You Need to Know About Parental Control Software
With our children spending more time than ever before at home, with many of them still distance learning and using technology such as computers, tablets, phones and online programs to get their schoolwork done, it's more important than ever for parents to truly keep eyes on what their children are really up to online.
Statistics show some very disturbing details regarding what types of things our children are being exposed to while online. Around 70% of children aged 8-18 state they have accidentally stumbled upon pornographic material, which happens through innocent means like simply doing their homework and inputting innocent search terms into Google. Approximately 90% of children ages 8-16 claim they have seen pornography online.
According to law enforcement, there has never been more sexual offenders and child predators online as there are in 2020. Right now, there are over 50,000 registered sexual offenders online at any given time.
Social Media Usage among Teens
How much do you really know about what is going on with your child's social media accounts and habits? Many children receive unsolicited messages, photos, friend requests and even trade inappropriate photos online with other supposed teens, which in many cases turn out to be adult predators. 22% of teen girls have admitted to posting nude photos of themselves online, while 86% of girls polled claimed they could access various innapropriate websites without their parent's knowledge. Some of these girls claim they can even have cyber relationships their parents would not approve of.
These statistics are staggering, but imagine this: since 1996, there has been a 2,000% increase in child porn images online, with 725,000 children having been -aggressively' asked for sex by adults online. This should make any parent want to spring to action to protect their children — their most prized possession — from these online attacks, attempts, and solicitation on their innocence.
Parental Control Software
This is where Parental Control Software comes in. Your child or teen may not appreciate having their every move watched online now, but in the long run, you will be able to help them understand why this was necessary — and the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is safer online, whether you can physically supervise their online behaviors at all times or not, is always worth the trouble of signing up for one of these subscription services.
There are so many different online parental control software programs, such as Guard Child, KidLogger, Kaspersky Safe Kids, Bark, K9 Web Protection, SocialShield, Norton Online Family, Family Shield, and many more.
Although each program is different and offers It's own perks individual one from the other, these programs track all websites that have been visited, every search term or keystroke logged, messages that have been transmitted, e-mail and social media messaging content, images seen or sent, and more. In today's digital world, parents can never take enough precautions to truly safeguard their children's online behaviors — but we can all try to do our part to ensure the safety of the ones we must protect the most.
Our children are targeted on a daily basis by ads, social media, and what they see on TV. Sadly, there is a major push from media giants that are built on the basis of indoctrinating children, jading them to things that once seemed severe to us — now being normalized right before our very eyes. Movies such as Netflix's -Cuties' is aimed at supposedly exposing child exploitation, while exploiting children – creating a haven for pedophiles worldwide. Not only is this not okay, but this behavior is being purveyed as acceptable, normal, and okay to children and teens worldwide in what has become a major fight for good and evil, right and wrong.
As parents, we will do whatever it takes to protect our kids – and their online life is a major point of concern as they spend the majority of their day attached to devices. Whether they are on their cell phone, computer, video games, tablets or otherwise, these types of devices – while beneficial – can truly open the doors to some really nasty opportunities for predators to prey on our kids. These parental control softwares are capable of being installed on all of the above devices – some completely undetectable so the kids don't know they are being watched – and the results are e-mailed to you on a specific daily or weekly basis, depending on your settings.
There are alerts that can be set up for more dangerous activities where you are notified right away, also based upon the program's settings and how strict you want your child to be monitored.
For any parents of a child living in the digital age, a parental control software is always a great idea. Also, taking the time to talk with your child about the dangers they face online, what's appropriate vs. what is not, and what types of websites or activities they should avoid or not engage in will help to instill the importance of being safe online.
The internet can be an incredibly helpful or harmful place, depending upon what our children stumble upon or find themselves getting into. If you feel your child is engaging in dangerous behaviors or searches online, limiting their online access for a while may be enough to curb the behavior. Taking their devices away during this time may be appropriate. Giving them a certain amount of time to be online and then having automatic wifi shutoffs can also be beneficial to ensure they don't spend too much time online. Additionally, if you feel your child is engaging in dangerous online activity, speaking with their doctor may be an appropriate next step.
In all we do, we must protect our children from the threats constantly surrounding them online. When we stay involved, we are able to mitigate undesirable behavior and attempts at coercion to engage in negative or dangerous activities online. Whenever possible, remain in the same general area as your children during their online activities, and keep open lines of communication with your children regarding their online behaviors.
Statistics taken from
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